
In the default configuration, the first tab is always the initial tab to be shown. Sometimes it is desirable to have another tab show instead. There are a couple different ways to accomplish this.

To select a tab using a url you will need to add a querystring parameter to your url in a specific format. You can select the tab in one of three ways.

By Tab Number - SelectByNum

Add the following querystring parameter to your url, Agg{ModuleId}_SelectByNum={TabNumber} where {ModuleId} is the ModuleId of the Aggregator module and {TabNumber} is the tab number you wish to select.


The original page url is <http://localhost/Test/tabid/54/Default.aspx>

The module id of the Aggregator module is 370 and you wish to select tab number 3.

The url to select this is, <http://localhost/Test/tabid/54/Default.aspx?Agg370_SelectByNum=3>

By Tab Title - SelectByTitle

Add the following querystring parameter to your url, Agg{ModuleId}_SelectByTitle={TabTitle} where {ModuleId} is the ModuleId of the Aggregator module and {TabTitle} is the title of the tab you wish to select.


The original page url is <http://localhost/Test/tabid/54/Default.aspx>

The module id of the Aggregator module is 370 and you wish to select the tab with a title of ‘Page 5’

The url to select this is, <http://localhost/Test/tabid/54/Default.aspx?Agg370_SelectByTitle=Page 5>

Selecting a tab using Javascript

To select a tab using javascript, you simply have to call the proper javascript function for the specific Aggregator module and tab. The syntax for the function is AggModuleId_SelectTab(tabnumber,ModuleId);


The module id of the Aggregator module is 370 and you wish to select tab 3

<a onclick="javascript:Agg370_SelectTab(3,370);" href="javascript:void(0)">Link To Tab 3</a>